Welcome to PreFlight!

Whether you have 10,000+ hours and numerous ratings under your belt or you’re about to finish 12th grade and are looking to step into the world of aviation, everyone’s welcome here. The aviation community is a tight-knit one and you’ll soon learn that most aviators love sharing their “gyaan” to anyone who’ll listen :rofl:.

Pilot training and the regulations surrounding aviation can get confusing very quickly for the uninitiated; especially for those that don’t have a close friend or family member to guide them through it all.

So, we set out to create PreFlight (and the One8Right brand at large) with a simple purpose in mind:

“Be the one-stop-shop for all aviators to easily navigate and learn what it takes to become a part of the aviation community.”

Welcome aboard! We can’t wait to see what you ask/answer and share with the rest of us AvGeeks! :airplane: